
Oppijan kasvamisesta ja auttamisesta itseohjautuvuuteen

Tämän päivän opettajaharjoittelun palaveerauksessa LRE:n kanssa tuli esille myös opetustyyleihin, oppijan tarpeisiin ja näiden yhteensovittamiseseen liittyvä teoreettinen malli, SSDL-malli: Staged Self Direction Learning model. Tämän ja muiden vastaavien mallien teoriapohjaan tarttisi tutustua tarkemmin, tässä lista linkeistä, jotka ensimmäisenä tulivat vastaan aiheeseen liittyen:


Lainauksena Grow'n SSDL-mallia käsittelevän artikkelin abstrakti

Based on the Situational Leadership model of Hersey and Blanchard, the Staged Self-Directed Learning Model proposes that learners advance through stages of increasing self-direction and that teachers can help or hinder that development. Good teaching matches the learner's stage of self-direction and helps the learner advance toward greater self-direction. Specific methods are proposed for teaching students at each stage, although many different teaching styles are good when appropriately applied. Several pedagogical difficulties are explained as mismatches between teacher style and learner stage, especially the mismatch between a student needing direction and a non-directive teacher. The model is applied to a course, a single class, and the overall curriculum.

Grow, Gerald O. (1991/1996). "Teaching Learners to be Self-Directed." Adult Education Quarterly, 41 (3), 125-149. Expanded version available online at: http://www.longleaf.net/ggrow

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